Western Carolina's primary logo is our word mark. The primary logo should be used on all advertising, all printed and online marketing material, and all official university communications. It can be used alone or in conjunction with the name of your college, program or unit as part of the branded signature mark (see below).
A two-color version of the logo, with "University" in Catamount Gold is available, but the one color is preferred, either in purple or in white when appropriate. Downloadable versions of the logo are available on our Assets page.
The Western Carolina logo always appears in WCU Purple, Catamount Gold, white or black. To ensure maximum legibility, the Western Carolina logo should appear no smaller than half an inch tall. The logo should not be combined with any other graphic element or placed over a busy background that makes the logo difficult to read.
To ensure that the Western Carolina logo maintains distinction from all other graphic elements, no type, symbols or marks of any kind should intrude in the clear space area – a space equal to the proportional height of the letter “l” in “Carolina.”
When it provides a benefit to the consumer to identify the area of the university represented in an advertisement or marketing piece, units may use the Western Carolina Signature marks. The signature consists of the institutional word mark, and a division/college/program etc. descriptor. The signature is not required; you can always default to using the university logo alone.
The guidelines for the primary Western Carolina logo, including limitations for color and clear space, apply to the signature mark as well.
When selecting text for your signature here are a few guidelines.
NOTE: University Marketing regularly receives requests for unique logos for a unit, program or event. While custom graphics and unique designs can be created when individual identity is warranted, University Marketing does not create secondary logos that would replace the institutional logo on marketing materials. Units can use the brand Signature, which includes the particular unit name.
To request a signature mark for your unit, submit a creative request.
The Western Carolina University seal is restricted for use by the Office of the Chancellor. All uses and applications of the Western Carolina University seal must be approved by the chancellor for official activities of their office and those of Western Carolina University’s Board of Trustees.
The Chancellor's Seal is most often used in association with Commencement and other formal activities of the university.
The Catamount, which is part of the primary WCU athletic's logo, may also be used to represent spirit and university pride. It is often used in conjunction with student events, as artwork for promotional materials, and on wall graphics and banners. It should not be used as a replacement for the primary university logo on recruitment materials or official communications. In other words, think of the Catamount as a piece of artwork representing University pride rather than a brand identifier.
Over the years, the WCU cathead has evolved. Older versions of the Catamount should not be used in official promotional materials or signage.
WCU Athletics has an entirely separate identity set and style guide. The primary logo used on promotional materials for WCU athletics is the Catamount with the arched WCU above.
The athletics logo should not be used on materials used to recruit students for academic programs or for materials used to promote and event or unit with no connection to university athletics. In addition, any use of the athletics logo should be approved by the athletics marketing department.
The examples provided below address some obvious misuses of color and structure for the Western Carolina University logo. The guidelines apply to ALL primary, subbrand and secondary logos associated with Western Carolina University.